Embrace the Power of Positive Impact

We hold the responsibility to ensure our actions motivate others to pay kindness forward, rather than leaving scars that heal slowly, if at all. Avril Kidd EQ In Action, Durban, Emotional Intelligence South Africa.
Written by: Avril Kidd
We hold the responsibility to ensure our actions motivate others to pay kindness forward, rather than leaving scars that heal slowly, if at all.

Be the type of leader who leaves a mark not a scar.


Recently, I stumbled upon a thought-provoking article by Six Seconds on the secrets of exceptional leaders. One quote by Justin Wright truly resonated with me: “Be the type of leader who leaves a mark, not a scar.” This inspired me to expand the idea beyond leadership: “Be the type of person who leaves a mark, not a scar.”

In every interaction—whether with people, animals, or nature—we leave an impression. The choice of what impression that is lies with us. We have the power to choose kindness over cruelty, listening over talking, and acknowledgment over neglect. Maya Angelou wisely said, “People may forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

We hold the responsibility to ensure our actions motivate others to pay kindness forward, rather than leaving scars that heal slowly, if at all.

As an avid animal lover, I follow many rescue sites. It’s heartbreaking to see the number of animals being abandoned. Yet, dogs, with their boundless empathy and unconditional love, remind me of the kindness we all possess. Sadly, cruelty exists everywhere. We can never obliterate it, but we can help combat it by spreading kindness in every facet of our lives.

Theodore Roosevelt put it beautifully: “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”


I challenge you to step forward with kindness and a generous spirit whenever you are ble. Whether it’s through small acts of kindness, heartfelt gifts, or positive actions, your efforts can make a significant impact.

Take the opportunity to make a difference. Spread positive emotional contagion—it costs nothing but can mean the world to someone else.

If you can, consider a donation to a charity dear to your heart. To those working in charitable organizations, thank you for your incredible contributions to society. The world is brighter because of you.

Some charities you may want to consider are:

Remember, as Maya Angelou said, “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

Stay kind and spread joy.